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7 Characters that can destroy your relationship

Most people have been in a lot of relationships. They readily can win an award for the most failed relationships.

Yet, they have not taken time out to find out why these things happen.

Some people are quick to say it is a spiritual problem.

 Hello! Deal with the character flaw, and all other things will fall in place.

1. Lies: Even the devil cannot keep up with you when it comes to telling lies. You have promised everyone heaven on earth, yet no result. Why not shut you lying mouth if you do not have anything truthful to say? Must you talk?

2. Cheating: Nobody loves to date a cheat. It is irritating to be with someone who claims to love you, and still runs after the latest thing in boxers or skirts, as the case maybe.

3. Selfishness: When you think of yourself alone, you hurt people. If you cannot sacrifice for somebody else, because that is what love is all about, then you have no business being in a relationship.

4. Sexual demands: Sex is not love. Stop ruining your relationships by asking your partner to prove his or her love by having sex with you.

5. Monetary demands:  Hello! Is he your school father? Nobody will respect you when you beg all the time. You might want to defend yourself by saying it is normal. Stop begging.

6. Pressure: Stop pressuring people to marry you. It will fall in place when the time is right.

7. Pride: Nobody wants to be around a proud person. That is why they have all ran away from you. Humble yourself. That does not mean you should become a door mat anyway.

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