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Ladies, Here’s How To Get Pregnant As Soon As You Want

Suppose you and your partner have been trying
hard for a baby for quite sometime, but still have
not been able to conceive. There are possibilities
that you missed out on some rules that might
help increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Below are tricks to boost your fertility and get
pregnant fast.

The Time You Have S*x:
Experts suggest that a woman’s chances of
becoming pregnant are high if she has regular
s*x. Regardless of the time of the month, regular
intercourse can help improve a woman’s chances
of conceiving.

S*x at any time in a woman’s monthly cycle may
trigger immune system changes that boost the
likelihood of getting pregnant, a new study
suggests. The findings could eventually prove
useful for couples trying to conceive, researchers
from Indiana University at Bloomington said.

“It’s a common recommendation that partners
trying to have a baby should engage in regular
inter-course to increase the woman’s changes of
getting pregnant even during ‘nonfertile’ periods
although it’s unclear how this works,” said lead
investigator Tierney Lorenz, from the university’s
Kinsey Institute.

“This research is the first to show that the s*xual
activity may cause the body to promote types of
immunity that support conception,” she said in a
university news release.

The findings are based on information from 30
women who participated in the Kinsey Institute’s
study. Half of the women were s*xually active,
half were abstinent. “The female body needs to
navigate a tricky dilemma,” Lorenz said. “In order
to protect itself, the body needs to defend
against foreign invaders.

Figure Out When You Ovulate:
One of the most important factors to getting
pregnant fast is knowing when you ovulate. You
can become pregnant only when a sperm meets
an egg and that egg only comes usually once a
month, around day 14 in your cycle.

It is said that women with very regular 28-day
cycles can just count 14 days from the first day
of their period to determine their ovulation date.

However, if your cycles aren’t regular, an
ovulation kit can help you pinpoint your most
fertile time.

Since the egg only survives for a day or two,
there’s only a limited window each month during
which you can actually get pregnant. Hence, it is
important to know that the most fertile time is
around the time of ovulation.

Know The Positions:
Experts are of the view that different s*x
positions play a key role in getting pregnant.

Although there is no scientific proof on the best
s*xual positions for baby-making, it is believed
that having s*x in the ‘missionary position’ (man-
on-top position) is best as it allows for deep
penetration so the man’s sperm can be ejacu-lated as close to the cervix (the opening of the
womb) as possible.

Maintain An Ideal Weight:
Being too thin can hamper your fertility, but being
overweight can affect your fertility as well
because too much body fat produces excess
estrogen, which can interfere in ovulation.

Take Folic Acid:
Folic acid is important for women who are trying
to get pregnant. Experts suggest that women
who take folic acid before trying for a baby
(ideally for at least three months before
conceiving and for the first 12 weeks of
pregnancy) have fewer chances of having a baby
with conditions such as spina bifida, etc.

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