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Mother of triplets to hubby: Please come back home

By Dayo Johnson
ONE of the most revered names of God is “ the unquestionable God”. Succinctly put that no one can query whatever he does. If mortal beings have their ways they would want to question some of those things that God does that seems “unfair or unresponable” to them. But God in his infinite wisdom has not given anyone the right to question him or to sue him to a law court for any alleged unfairness.

This is the situation that a couple; Mr and Mrs Felix Nweze, find themselves in as what happened to them, made them to question God. And the question in the mouth of the mother of the triplets is “Why us.” The father, Mr Felix Nweze is also querying God for the additional” burden” of triplets when he knows they have feeble hands and could hardly take care of the three children they had already.
He is blaming God for blessing his poor family with a set of triplets ( two boys and a girl) despite having a full house already. The wife, Confidence said those who have the wherewithal should have been favoured with such a blessing, not a family like theirs who can not even afford three square meals a day.

Consequently, the father of the triplets, Felix after reviewing the pathetic scenario has absconded in the last one month after the news of the birth of the babies reached him. Both parents who are jobless hail from Ezza Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Felix according to his brother Friday is an unemployed graduate but could not remember from which institution he graduated from while the wife is a primary six school leaver.
South West Voice, visited the one room apartment of the couple located at No 39 Arakale area of Akure metropolis and spoke with the mother of the triplets.
Confidence told Vanguard that her husband took to his heels when the news of the birth of the triplets hit him. Asked if he did a scan before the birth of the babies, Confidence said that if they have such money they will use it to feed. “ We were actually leaving from hand to mouth. Every money we have we spend it wisely because we do not have a Job.

According to her “ my husband left the house seven days to the day of delivery that he was going to look for a job. Before the delivery he kept calling us on daily basis but after the babies were delivered and he was informed by his brother he switched off his phone. “ Since then we have not been able to reach him and he has not called over a month ago.
She gave birth to the triplets free of charge through caesarian section at the Mother and Child hospital in Akure, the state capital. The couple already have three babies ( two boys and a girl) Uchena 7 years, Akachukwu 5 years and Bethel 2 years before these three additions at a go. Speaking with South West Voice, Confidence said “My husband went looking for money to take care of the family but when we called him that I was delivered of three children he was shocked and shouted.

“ Since then he has switched off his phone and we do not know his whereabouts and how we can reach him. “ I must confess to you that I have not eaten any good food since I gave birth and even the children have nothing good to eat and that is the reason I am using this opportunity to appeal to government at all levels and well meaning Nigerians to come to my rescue.
“I am begging you to help me tell my husband to come back home and see the triplets. I know that God will send help. Please help me publish in our newspaper and help me beg my husband to come back home and see his children. I know it is not easy for him but all the same he should not abandon us just like that. When he comes back we will manage whatever is available until God will send help.

“Because our God lives. He knows why he gave us triplets and I am sure he will make provision. Who can say, those triplets may open doors for our family. “God knows we have three children before giving us this additional three. We are surprised because nobody from both families have twins. Why us at this time that we can not even feed well.
Confidence appealed passionately to the wife of the governor, Mrs Olukemi Mimiko to come to their aid saying that the burden was too much for them to bear. She also pleaded with the caring heart governor Dr Olusegun Mimiko to assist the husband by providing a job for him. “ We appeal to the governor, his wife and the Ministry of Women Affairs to please as a matter of urgency come to our rescue by giving us some money and a job for my husband.

Also speaking with South West Voice, her sister Chinyere who has been helping her to take care of the babies said she had abandoned her work to assist the mother of the triplets. Chinyere said a letter and photographs have been to the wife of the governors office and the Ministry of women Affairs but that they have not gotten any response.
While saying that they were sure that their matter was yet to be brought to the attention of the caring heart wife of the governor appealed that she should through the medium come to the aid of the Nweze family. She said that she is aware of those the wife of the governor had helped in the past once their case is brought to her attention.
The brother of the father of the run away father of triplets Friday who has been feeding Confidence said his brother has disappeared after he informed him about the delivery of the babies. Friday who said that he has been feeding the mother and have been buying all the babies needs in the last one month also asked his brother to return home.
Friday said he has exhausted his savings taking care of his brothers wife and six children and his own wife and two children. According to him” the burden is getting too much for me to bear. I appeal to government to please help my brother with a job. If he is sure of getting a Job he will resurface. “ He is only natural that when a man does not have money he would not be happy and he can do anything to protect his ego.

“ I think that is what has happened to my brother. How can he be here, no job and he will looking at his family members to suffer. “ But what he has done is not the solution to this problem. If he is here he will be bale to run around and ask for help from well meaning Nigerians. “ Now it’s the wife, her sister and my wife that are running around looking for help. Friday said “ Please help us beg my brother to come back home. You do not run away from your problem you face it and solution will come.

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