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Jamb Subject Combination for All Courses

 For the Benefits of candidates that would like to know the subject combination for their Course of study in Jamb.
The post below will include the subject required for each Courses offered in Nigeria institution

Accounting = English Maths Economics and account

Banking / finance = English Maths Economics and government or account

Economics = English Maths Economics and government or account

Public Admin = English Maths Economics and government

Business Admin/management = English Maths Economics and account / government

Marketing = English Maths Economics and commerce / account

Insurance = English Maths Economics and Government

Industrial relation and Personnel Management = Eng Math Economics and government

International Relation = Eng Mathematics government and geography or Economics.

Mass communication = English Literature government and mathematics

Sociology = English economics government and any subject

Local Government Administration = English government Economics and commerce or crk or literature

Archaeology = English Economic government and Crk or geography

Art and Design / creative Art = Eng crk fine art and government

English / Literature = English Literature government and crk or any art subject

Linguistic / Language = English Literature government and the language subject

Philosophy = ENG and any 3 Art subject.

Political Science = English government Economics and Mathematics / any art subject

Agricultural Engineering = English chemistry physics and Agric

Agric and bio-syetem / bio- resources Engineering = English chemistry physics and Agric

Building Technology = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Chemical Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Petrol Chemical Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Civil Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Engineering Technology = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Computer Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Petroleum Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Computer Science = English Chemistry Physics and mathematics

Electrical Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Electrical / Electronic Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Mechanical Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Metallurgical Engineering = Eng mathematics Physics and Chemistry

Food Science and Technology = Eng mathematics Chemistry biology

ARCHITECTURE = English physics Mathematics and chemistry or biology

QUANTITY SURVEYING = English physics Mathematics and chemistry or biology

Transport&Project Management Technology = English physics Mathematics and chemistry or biology

GEOGRAPHY = English Geography Economics and Mathematics

Urban And Regional Planning = English Geography Economics and Mathematics

FINE ART = English Mathematics chemistry and fine art

Estate Management = English Mathematics Economics and Chemistry

Environmental Management Technology = English Mathematics Physics and chemistry

Meteorology = English mathematics physics and chemistry

LAW = English literature government and economics or Art subject

Botany = English Physics Chemistry and Biology

CIVIC LAW = English literature government and economics or Art subject

ISLAMIC / SHARIA LAW = English literature government and Arabic or Islamic study

COMMON LAW = English literature government and economics or Art subject

ANATOMY = English mathematics biology and chemistry or physics

Biochemistry = English Chemistry Physics and Biology

Dentistry and Dental Surgery = English chemistry Biology and physics

Nursing and Nursing Science = English physics chemistry and Biology

Medicine and Surgery English Physics Chemistry and Biology

Public Health Tech==>
English Physics Chemistry &Biology

Medical Laboratory science MLS = English Physics Chemistry and Biology

Pharmacy = English Physics Chemistry and Biology

Veterinary medicine = English Physics Chemistry and Biology

Radiography = English Physics Chemistry and Biology

Pharmacology and physiology English physics chemistry and biology

Biological Science = English biology chemistry and physics or mathematics

Industrial Chemistry = English chemistry mathematics and biology

GEOLOGY English chemistry physics and mathematics

Micro Biology = English biology chemistry and mathematics or physics

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