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You Become The Most Interesting Man Anywhere You Are, If You Apply This 6 Tips.

One important life skill every man should have is mastering the act of being interesting at every occasion that requires their presence. This skill is not only important for building life connections but can also score you points with the ladies.

If you’re interested in making yourself the type of person everyone is interested in talking to at an event, here are some tips that can come in handy for you to add this skill to your bag of life skills.

1. Live A Fun And Interesting Life.
Doing this shouldn’t be rocket science. The fact is people are more likely to see you as an interesting person if you’re the type of person that does interesting things. The key to this is to befriend and hang out with people that come from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Find time to check out the new bar around your area, hang around with colleagues or acquaintances that have a completely different taste of books and music from yours, travel to a new exotic location, listen to genres of music you’re not used to and attend mid-week gigs.
In short, do anything and everything that will help you expand your mind.

2. Be The One That Introduces People.
If you’re the one introducing your friends and acquaintances, you’d definitely be in charge of things and you will be perceived as warm and confident.
Doing so will also give you a magnetic effect and people can see the effort you’re making in building rapport between people.
More so, it also increases your overall influence on people, allowing people gravitate towards you.

3. Be A Jack Of All Trades.
Most of the people that were able to win the big prize money on educative game shows such as Who Wants to be a Millionaire were able to do so by having a diverse background on a wide range of topics.
This is also applicable to anyone who is interested in being able to maintain good conversation. Being enthusiastic about a particular area of expertise helps to demonstrate your passion and purpose. And this can have an inspiring, interesting and magnetic effect.

4. Be Curious.
If you want to be an interesting person, it is important for you to be a curious person that asks questions. Asking questions shows that you’re interested in people and what happens around them.
As your questions are answered, listen as intently as you can and follow up with questions that will keep the conversation flowing. This will sure make you that interesting fellow everyone would be interested in talking to.

5. Be Charitable And Generous.
Whether you just walked into a room and spotted someone that appears to be running low on their drink, offer them a refill or a bottle, or someone is looking for directions, be sure to point them the right way.
Your generosity and charitable acts should transcend offering money and should include your attention and good conversations. This will allow people to reciprocate by having more time for you in return.

6. Be A Good Storyteller.
Being a good storyteller goes beyond chatting up to an extent that people get bored of you and the conversation. No one likes a situation where they will be stuck in conversation with someone that takes full control of the conversation and always wants to be heard.
You can however be more fascinating if you have a number of go-to stories up your sleeve to help show off your sense of humour. Remember to have a good sense of humour and you’d be the man that every body finds interesting because of your ability to make people laugh.

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