Breaking News


Use This Option To Indicate Your Type !
Econs Type A
1. D -unlimited liability
2. A -delay in decision
3. D -de- jure
4. D -hoard goods&create artificial scarcity
5. D -portability
6. C -MV = PT
7. B -decreasing marginal product
8. B -economics of scale
9. E -structural
10 . E- provide storage facilities
11 . D-
12 . A- agriculture
13 . B- cost push
14 . C- communism
15 . C- horizontal to d output axis
16 . A- average
17 . C- # 74 . 00
18 . A- elastic
19 . B- inequitable
20 . E- privatization
21 . C- decrease in demand
22 . D- increase in supply
23 . A- disposable
24 . C- MPS/ MPC = 1
25 . A- available of variety goods
26 . D- switzerland
27 . B- limited market
28 . B- ensure efficient use of atglackf resource
29 . D- the forces of demand and supply
30 . E- product are homogenous
31 . D- # 73 ,000
32 . C- progressive
33 . C- lender of last resort
34 . A- bill discount
35 . D- 14
36 . B- 36
37 . B- complementary
38 . E- use of open market operation
39 . E- raw materials
40 . A- construction
41 . A- industrial arbitation panel
42 . A- divisibility
43 . A-
44 . B -provision of adequate power supply
45 . C -25 . 0 %
46 . D -land
48 . E -vertical
49 . C -Manufacture -Wholesaler - Retailer - Consumer
50 . C -how to produce
51 . E -5
52 . C -4
53 . E -monoculture
54 . C -Ghana
55 . C -median
56 . A -adam smith
57 . B -limited resources limited
58 . D -mode
59 . B-
60 . E-

You are to answers five questions in all
one between 1 & 2 and any other four
(1 a )
Growth rate = change in population/ initial
population × 100 %
Change in population = 60000 – 45000 =
15 ,000
In 2001
Growth rate in 2001 = 15,000 / 45,000 ×
100 % =
33.3 %
Change in population = 80, 000 ,70, 000 =
In 2003
Growth rate in 2003 = 10,000 / 70,000 ×
100 % =
Change in population in 2004 = 105 , 000
– 80000 =
Growth rate in 2004 = 25,000 / 80,000 ×
100 % =
(1 b )
Percentage of working population =
population/ population × 100 %
Percentage of working population in 2002
= 40/ 78
× 100 % = 68. 6%
Percentage of working population in 2003
= 60/ 80
× 100 % = 75%
Percentage of working population in 2004
70/ 105 × 100 % = 74. 3%
(1 c )
(i) Birth rate – The higher the birth rate,
the higher
will be the population of a country
(ii ) Death rate; The lower the death rate ,
the higher
will be the population of a country
(iii ) Immigration: The higher the
immigration rate,
the higher the population of a country
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(2 ai )
At Equilibrium , Qs= Qo
30 + 3 p = 90 -2 p
3p + 2 p = 90 – 30
5p = 60
P = 60/ 5 = 12
(2 aii)
QE = Q5 = Qp = 30 + 3 p
= 30 + 3 (12 ) = 30 + 36
(2 b )
(2 c )
i. government policy
ii. price of other commodity
iii . technology
iv . cost of production
v. seasons
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(3 a )
Production is the creation of good s for
satisfaction of human wants . it can be
secondary or tertiary
(3 b )
i. what to produce: An entrepreneur is to
and think about whats he needs to offer
the public
as a producer
ii. for whom to produce: an entrepreneur
recognizes the set of people targeted at
production and whose product are sold to
iii . how to produce: An entrepreneur
decides on
the method of production he wants i .e
intensive or capital intensive production
iv . Marketing ;- An entrepreneur must
awareness for his goods
v. Distribution: An entrepreneur designs
how to
distribute his product so that it reaches
the final
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(4 )
(1 )A business owned by one person , who
entitled to all of its profits and
responsible for all of
its debts , is considered a sole
(2 ) the ease with which it can be started ,
(3 ) the owner's freedom
to make decisions, and
(4 ) the distribution of profits (owner
takes all) .
(1 )
A business owned by two or more people ,
who agree to share in its profits, is
considered a
(2 ) draw
on the skills and abilities of each partner ,
(3 ) offer employees the opportunity to
become partners , and
(4 ) utilize the part ners ' combined
-- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --
(5 a )
labor market :
These is nominal market in which workers
paying work , employers find willing
workers, and
wage rates are determined .
Labor markets may be local or national
(even international ) in their scope and are
up of smaller , interacting labor markets
different qualifications , skills , and
locations .
They depend on exchange of information
employers and job seekers about wage
rates ,
conditions of employment, level of
and job location.
(5 b )
The efficiency of labour means the fitness
of the
labour for the production of wealth . The
of labour depends upon the power to
work , will to
work and efficiency or organization.
The number of able-bodied men being
more or
less fixed , the supply of labour mainly
depends on
the efficiency of labour . The contribution
of labour
to production depends not only upon the
number of
production but also upon the efficiency of
(5 c )
mobility of labor Extent to which the
workers are
able or willing to move between different
jobs ,
occupations, and geographical areas.
It is called horizontal mobility if it does
not result
in a change in the worker' s grading or
status , and
vertical mobility if it does .
Skilled workers have low occupational
mobility but
high geographical mobility;
low -skilled or unskilled workers have high
degrees of both types of mobility. Low
labor -
mobility causes structural unemployment ,
governments try to avoid it byworker
schemes and by encouraging
establishment of
new industries in the affected areas.
5d )
Supply of Labour Higher wages usually will
encourage a worker to supply more labour
because work is more attractive compared
leisure Therefore the Supply curve for
tends to be upwardly sloping .
Supply of Labour depends upon:
1. The number of qualified people For
example, the
number of qualified
Accountants is low , therefore supply is
quite inelastic.
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(6 )
i)The Collateral Security Offered
ii) The Period of Repayment
iii )The Customers Referee
iv )The Earning Power of The Customer
v) The Sources of Re -payment
(i) The Collateral Security Offered :
These collateral securities which are fixed
must be the things the bank can sell easily
more than the value of the loan given .
(ii )The Period of Repayment :
The period of re- payment of such loan is
important because , the Bank would not
want its
loan to be tied down for a very long time
in spite of
the fact that it changes interest on the
(iii ) The Customers Referee:
The referee must be one who is well
known to the
bank and who will guarantee that in case
borrower defaults or becomes insolvent ,
that he
will repay the loan.
(iv ) The Earning Power of The Customer:
The person 's earnings vis -a -vis the
amount to be
given out as loan are some of the
factors in granting and issuing loans .
(v ) The Sources of Re- payment:
The Bank Managers will also like to know
possible sources the customer intending
borrow loans has for repaying the loan.
-- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --
(7 a )
tabulate between internal trade and
External Trade
Internal Trade
– Trade within a country
-Involves currency
External Trade
– Trade between country
- Involves many currency
(7 b )
(i) language Barrier – Because
international Trade
involves trade among countries and
vary from one country to another,
language tends
to limit the extent of international trade
(ii ) problem of currency :- International
involves a series of currency conversion
goods are bought and sold in a country
with its
(iii ) import and export duties : the
imports and
Exports duties paid on goods at counties
of import
and export is a barrier to international
(iv ) Quota: this is the amount of goods by
law that
can be imported to a within a fiscal gear.
This has
limited international trade from taking
place at its
full capacity
(v )problem of visa: many people who are
willing to
embark on international trade could not
do so
because they could not pet a visa that
them to pet to the intended trade country
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(8 a )
Habit : the more habitual a person is to a
goods, the more inelastic the good is . For
instance, a person addicted to smoking
will smoke
no matter how high the price of cigarettes
is .
(b ) Availability of substitutes : Goods that
substitutes have elastic demand as
consumer will
shift to alternative goods that have
inelastic'' demand
(c ) Consumer’s income : the higher the
,the more inelastic demand tend to be
(d ) Nature of commodity : Neccesary
goods have
an inelastic demand since consumer need
while luxury goods have an elastic demand
consumer can do without them.
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(9 a )
A monopolistic competition is a market
which combines the fundamental
of both pure monopoly and perfect
competition. in
this type of market situation exists
neither pore monopoly nor perfect
exists in isolation and this is a result of
of homogeneity and heterogeneity of
products sold
in both market
(9 b )
(i) Granter Efficiency : There is a great
resulting from an assemblage or pool of
specialized managerial skills
(ii ) Centralized Management : There is
and proper central managements under
-- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --
(11a )
Trade by barter can be defined as a form
trading in which goods are exchanged
directly for
other goods without the use of money as
medium of exchange
(11b )
Do it yourself
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(12a )
National income may be defined as the
ways of
computing or determing the money value
of the
total volume of goods and services
produced or
the total income earned in a given country
over a
period of time, usually a year.
(12b )
The methods are :-
(i) Income method
(ii ) Output Method
(iii ) Expenditure Method
-INCOME METHOD :- This is defined by
incomes received by all factores of
production .
The incomes to be added include workers
earnings profit from enterpreneurs, rents
on land ,
interest from capitals e .t .c . In order to
double counting, transfer payments such
payment to old people, beggers, e .t. c
are not
included . The income which must be
must be that which arises from the
production of
goods and services.
-OUTPUT METHOD : - This method
measures the
total money value of all goods and
produced in the country in a year. To
avoid double
counting the figures collected on the basis
value added i .e the value of output, less
cost of
helps in
calculating the total amount spent on
and investment purpose during the year .
payment such as pension paid to refired
workers ,
gift to beggers, e .t. c are excluded .
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