/NECO 2015 BIOLOGY PRACTICAL ANSWER 1. A-housefly B-toad C-crayfish D-Hibscus flower E-Bean seed F-coconut fruit 1aii. A-Insecta B-Amphibian C-Crustacean bi. i.Cholera ii.Typhoid bii. i.possession of five webbed digits for swimming. ii.possession of gills at larva stage for respiration Adaptation to life on land i.possession of living for gaseous exchange. ii.possession of poison gland for protection iii.possession of Tympanum for collection of sound wave biii. i.presence of water ii.presence of optimum temperature iii.viability of the seed ci. DRAW ALL RIGHT SIDE LABELLED -pollen grain -stigma -anther -filament -style -ovule -ovary -receptacle cii. marginal placentation 2. ai. G-maize fruit H-mango fruit I-tomato fruit J-cockcroach K-earthworm aii. H-Drupe I-berry aiii. similarities i.both hve endocarp for protection of seed ii.both have mesocarp for storage of food iii.both have seed DIFFERENCES TABULATE FOR H and I H i.It belongs to drupe ii.it hard and strong endocarp I i.it belong to Berry ii. it has soft and fleshy endocarp bi. i.Animal ii.Wind bii. TABULATE for J & K J i.it belongs to the insecter ii.possession of wings iii.it lives in dark corner iv.it undergoes incompelete metamorphosis. v.it destroys household materials K. i.it belongs to annelida ii.Absense of wings iii.it lives in moist soil. iv.it does not undergo metamorphosis v.it serves as decomposer SPECIMEN I biii. i.transmits disease like leprosy,typhoid ii.it destroys household materias like clothes. SPECIMEN K i.it loosen the soil ii.it aerates the soil iii.it decomposes plants and Animals materials. 3ai. L-thoracic vetebra M-cervical vetebra N-caudal vetebra O-scral vetebra P-Humerus aii. L-Chest region M-Neck region N-Tail region O-pelvic region P-Fore limb SPECIMEN L aiii. i.possession of long neural spine ii.it has large neural canal iii.Teir transverse process are well developed SPECIMEN M i. it has a broad and flat centrum ii.it has vertebrarterial canal iii.it has a pair of postzygapophyses bi. Clavicle (pectoral girdle) DRAW RIGHT SIDE LABELLED -body -transverse process -superior articular process LEFT SIDE LABELLED -Anterior tubercule -Foremen -exterior tubercule -tamina spinus process
NECO 2015 BIOLOGY PRACTICAL ANSWER 1. A-housefly B-toad C-crayfish D-Hibscus flower E-Bean seed F-coconut fruit 1aii. A-Insecta B-Amphibian C-Crustacean bi. i.Cholera ii.Typhoid bii. i.possession of five webbed digits for swimming. ii.possession of gills at larva stage for respiration Adaptation to life on land i.possession of living for gaseous exchange. ii.possession of poison gland for protection iii.possession of Tympanum for collection of sound wave biii. i.presence of water ii.presence of optimum temperature iii.viability of the seed ci. DRAW ALL RIGHT SIDE LABELLED -pollen grain -stigma -anther -filament -style -ovule -ovary -receptacle cii. marginal placentation 2. ai. G-maize fruit H-mango fruit I-tomato fruit J-cockcroach K-earthworm aii. H-Drupe I-berry aiii. similarities i.both hve endocarp for protection of seed ii.both have mesocarp for storage of food iii.both have seed DIFFERENCES TABULATE FOR H and I H i.It belongs to drupe ii.it hard and strong endocarp I i.it belong to Berry ii. it has soft and fleshy endocarp bi. i.Animal ii.Wind bii. TABULATE for J & K J i.it belongs to the insecter ii.possession of wings iii.it lives in dark corner iv.it undergoes incompelete metamorphosis. v.it destroys household materials K. i.it belongs to annelida ii.Absense of wings iii.it lives in moist soil. iv.it does not undergo metamorphosis v.it serves as decomposer SPECIMEN I biii. i.transmits disease like leprosy,typhoid ii.it destroys household materias like clothes. SPECIMEN K i.it loosen the soil ii.it aerates the soil iii.it decomposes plants and Animals materials. 3ai. L-thoracic vetebra M-cervical vetebra N-caudal vetebra O-scral vetebra P-Humerus aii. L-Chest region M-Neck region N-Tail region O-pelvic region P-Fore limb SPECIMEN L aiii. i.possession of long neural spine ii.it has large neural canal iii.Teir transverse process are well developed SPECIMEN M i. it has a broad and flat centrum ii.it has vertebrarterial canal iii.it has a pair of postzygapophyses bi. Clavicle (pectoral girdle) DRAW RIGHT SIDE LABELLED -body -transverse process -superior articular process LEFT SIDE LABELLED -Anterior tubercule -Foremen -exterior tubercule -tamina spinus process
NECO 2015 BIOLOGY PRACTICAL ANSWER 1. A-housefly B-toad C-crayfish D-Hibscus flower E-Bean seed F-coconut fruit 1aii. A-Insecta B-Amphibian C-Crustacean bi. i.Cholera ii.Typhoid bii. i.possession of five webbed digits for swimming. ii.possession of gills at larva stage for respiration Adaptation to life on land i.possession of living for gaseous exchange. ii.possession of poison gland for protection iii.possession of Tympanum for collection of sound wave biii. i.presence of water ii.presence of optimum temperature iii.viability of the seed ci. DRAW ALL RIGHT SIDE LABELLED -pollen grain -stigma -anther -filament -style -ovule -ovary -receptacle cii. marginal placentation 2. ai. G-maize fruit H-mango fruit I-tomato fruit J-cockcroach K-earthworm aii. H-Drupe I-berry aiii. similarities i.both hve endocarp for protection of seed ii.both have mesocarp for storage of food iii.both have seed DIFFERENCES TABULATE FOR H and I H i.It belongs to drupe ii.it hard and strong endocarp I i.it belong to Berry ii. it has soft and fleshy endocarp bi. i.Animal ii.Wind bii. TABULATE for J & K J i.it belongs to the insecter ii.possession of wings iii.it lives in dark corner iv.it undergoes incompelete metamorphosis. v.it destroys household materials K. i.it belongs to annelida ii.Absense of wings iii.it lives in moist soil. iv.it does not undergo metamorphosis v.it serves as decomposer SPECIMEN I biii. i.transmits disease like leprosy,typhoid ii.it destroys household materias like clothes. SPECIMEN K i.it loosen the soil ii.it aerates the soil iii.it decomposes plants and Animals materials. 3ai. L-thoracic vetebra M-cervical vetebra N-caudal vetebra O-scral vetebra P-Humerus aii. L-Chest region M-Neck region N-Tail region O-pelvic region P-Fore limb SPECIMEN L aiii. i.possession of long neural spine ii.it has large neural canal iii.Teir transverse process are well developed SPECIMEN M i. it has a broad and flat centrum ii.it has vertebrarterial canal iii.it has a pair of postzygapophyses bi. Clavicle (pectoral girdle) DRAW RIGHT SIDE LABELLED -body -transverse process -superior articular process LEFT SIDE LABELLED -Anterior tubercule -Foremen -exterior tubercule -tamina spinus process
Reviewed by Anonymous
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Rating: 5
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